Understanding the “Code”

All vaulters who are preparing for nationals know what time it is. It’s time to crack down, practice, and workout. I know personally I have not been as good lately as I should be, or even as good as I usually am.

Unfortunately college, sports (especially outside of school), and work don’t really get along. My last vaulting competition was, well, it was not pretty. Currently I am waiting for my coach to give me back my score sheets, I’m only dreading this a little.

Although I have received countless score sheets, still from time to time I see abbreviations that completely baffle me. We all want to make sure that we are concentrating on the correct things, to help everyone out here is a list of all of the abbreviations. To help everyone out here is a list of all of the abbreviations one needs to analyse a vaulting score sheet.I hope that this helps everyone establish a good base for practice. Good Luck!

AL Alignment
AB Arched Back
A Arms
B Balance
C Collapse
CD Come Down
CT Control
D Dismount
DL Down Leg
E Elevation
X Extension
O Fall
OD Fall on Dismount
FT Feet
FL Flight
F Form
FK Frog Kick
FH Front High
G Ground Jump
HZ Hands
H Head
HH Hit Horse
K Kneel
KZ Knees
LH Lands Heavily
LD Late Dismount
L Legs
LA Legs Apart
LF Legs Forward
MX Mechanics
M Mount
NC Not Clear of Horse
NH Not Held
OC Off Center
OH Off Horse
PD Pad
PK Pike
P Posture
Q Quick
R Repeat
SC Scope
1H First Half
2H Second Half
SK Security
SH Shoulders
SS Side Seat
SL Slow
ST Stiff
SX Stretch
SP Suppleness

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